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19. M.agnificent N.ew D.ay

M.N.D. Three letters to bring shivers down one's spine. But I know with certainty that one day we will find a cure, and it will bring celebratory shivers of joy to families, friends, and those diagnosed and suffering with this life shortening and debilitating disease.

I am grateful that I am living in a time that awareness and funding has increased at an extraordinarily expotential rate. The increased international exposure regarding Motor Neurone Disease is attributable to the clever marketing of the 'Ice Bucket' challenge, and the power of social media to globally broadcast a message at a 'click' or 'tap'.

As each day passes, we are one day closer to a cure. For many, that day can not come soon enough. While the likelihood of discovering a cure in my abbreviated lifetime is remote, I and many around our world will not lose faith in a miracle drug or treatment being found.

Nonetheless, every day, as best as I can, the initials M.N.D. will for me, now stand for Magnificent New Day.

This disease has taught me that we should try and live day by day in the moment, and to embrace and fully experience each and every magnificent new day as if it is my last. I may not feel like it on some or even most days, but that will be my committed intention on each waking day.

I hope you can also join with me, share in my MND, and make each precious day,

MND Day:

- a Magnificent New Day -

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