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VIEWS FROM THE OBELISK discusses thoughts, opinions and ideas on matters of politics, economic and social issues, and public policy. 


"INTROSPECTION" focuses on my philosophical insights and personal experiences in living with Motor Neurone Disease. 


Latest Article

Is Our Federal Government Democracy's Weakest Link? 


Of much greater concern are citizens' anaemic level of confidence in the institutions of Churches, Unions, and Federal Parliament, receiving an abysmal 11%, 6%, and 6% respectively.

Latest Letter 

Bad Gut Feeling Over Toxic Find


I, FOR one, am unsurprised to read in the Herald of the toxic contamination discovery and concerns within the Port Stephens region.


Tracks Of My Tears 


Regret, one day it shall be clear 

Until then, I ponder in hope 


With the tracks of my tears

Random Insights

Random Insight


 - No. 110 for 2015


© 2014 Views from the Obelisk.  All rights reserved.

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