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Terror Of Political Malaise


By Dino Cesta - 9 August 2014

THE NEWCASTLE HERALD - Letter To The Editor 


THE NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption has again unearthed the malaise of our political system. 


It is a system in which the seductive aroma of money, power and greed seems to outweigh public policy.


It is a system that doesn’t discriminate between political parties or political philosophies.


Both of the major political parties seem to disregard our laws, and show a disdain of democratic values.

Is it extreme to suggest that politicians found guilty of corruption are in the same class as home-grown terrorists, particularly as there is an expectation of our politicians to be the gatekeepers of our democracy?


Perhaps we should apply to our politicians the same reversing of the onus of proof measures that the Abbott government is proposing on Australians returning from overseas war zones – that is, they will need to demonstrate their innocence.


It sounds absurd but just maybe this is what’s required to ensure the integrity of our system is not compromised.


Dino Cesta, Hamilton


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