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Should Be Easier Being Green, Tony 


By Dino Cesta - 19 November 2014

THE NEWCASTLE HERALD - Letter To The Editor 


THE G20 summit in Brisbane was an embarrassment for Prime Minister Tony Abbott in grappling with the  most  ‘‘moral’’ and economic imperative of our and future generations  – climate change. 


The G20 summit clearly revealed just how out of step and out of touch with world leaders and the global community  Mr Abbott is in refusing to shift  from a non-renewable to a renewable economy. 


Australia’s glory days as a non-renewable resources economy have passed. Australia risks being left behind in the new wave of global economic opportunities on offer in the renewable energy economy. 

Sadly, Abbott is the wrong Prime Minister for our times. 


His zealous stance on this critical policy issue is more enviro-mental than environment friendly.

By not actively encouraging a ‘‘greener’’ cleaner renewable economy, this Prime Minister threatens to cripple the future prosperity of our nation.


Dino Cesta, Hamilton


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